Watch Part one of this four part series.... Third Adam 3: Rise of The Divine Feminine The most dangerous event happening in Americas church today is described as a "Revival" when in fact this is the introduction of the antichrist in...
The antichrist, who will be looked at like a messiah. Jesus was the 2nd Adam and antichrist is the 3rd Adam..... satan’s work “Satan works to blend together his system with God’s system, because he knows when unacceptable worship (paganism) is...
Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Emergency Warning! Cancer Virus Found in Covid Shots The Lancet Journal removed a pre-print study by Dr. McCullough which investigated autopsy reports that indicated COVID-19 vaccinations as the cause of death.   The censored study concluded that 74% of...
The Film The Left Doesn't Want You To See Damaged Starring Walt Heyer, Chloe Cole, Cat Cattinson | Directed by Rachel Page | Produced by Chrissy Clark 56 minutes Damaged: The Transing of America's Kids tells the story of the lives of transgender people...
You have to listen to the second reading from the 1560 Geneva Bible by Naomi Wolf (chapters 4-6 of the book of Genesis). By the end of it, Noah, his wife, their sons, and their sons’ wives, are safely on...
The human species is a curious one. It has dominated planet Earth by exterminating a long list of species and ecosystems. And now, having nearly run out of other living systems to poison, burn or exterminate, humanity has set...