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“Fake News”NPR reports Tim Walz made an impression in China and he will destroy America if voted in as our leader….

Besides working for the CIA, Maher was also involved with the National Democratic Institute, the World Bank, UNICEF, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Center for Technology and Democracy, the Digital Public Library of America and Wikipedia.

Comer Launches Probe into Governor Walz’s Extensive Engagement with China and CCP Entities

Tim Walz’s ties to Communist China demand attention……

During his time in Congress, Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz worked to secure millions for a Minnesota-based lab that worked on a variety of projects with China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology, now widely seen as the source of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Walz, who is Kamala Harris’ running mate, worked to earmark a total of $7 million for the Hormel Institute in Austin, Minnesota, and praised the work of the publicly funded research institution, the Washington Examiner reported.

I Ask AI what it thinks, this is what it said:

“Well, folks, it’s no secret that the Democratic Party has a soft spot for communist regimes. And let me tell you, Governor Walz of Minnesota is no exception. He recently returned from a little trip to China, where he was all smiles and handshakes with the Chinese Communist Party officials.

You’d think our elected officials would know better than to cozy up to a regime known for its human rights abuses and disregard for freedom. But Governor Walz seems to have forgotten the values our great nation stands for. He was quick to praise the Chinese government’s so-called achievements, turning a blind eye to the oppression and censorship that define their society.

This kind of behavior is not only naive but also dangerous. By legitimizing the actions of a totalitarian regime, Governor Walz is undermining the very principles of democracy he claims to uphold. It’s a shameful display of poor judgment and a clear indication of where his loyalties lie.

Mark my words, folks, we cannot afford to have leaders who are willing to compromise our values for political gain. It’s time to hold these politicians accountable and remind them that America stands for freedom, justice, and the protection of human rights.”

However, the Minnesota research center on multiple occasions worked with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China, which many suspect was the origin point of the COVID-19 virus, including on COVID-19 research in 2020 and bacteria research in 2024.

“For 80+ years, the Hormel Institute has helped pave the way for Minnesota to lead in biomedical innovation,” Walz, now governor of Minnesota, said in April. “It was great to stop by their facilities yesterday in Austin to see that work in action.”

The Wuhan Institute of Virology operates under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which reports directly to the Chinese Communist Party’s State Council, the Examiner reported. The institute “has engaged in classified research, including laboratory animal experiments, on behalf of the Chinese military since at least 2017,” according to the State Department.

Lawmakers claim that there is evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In May, the federal government cut off funding to the EcoHealth Alliance, a publicly funded U.S. nonprofit that allocated subgrants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for bat coronavirus research in part because the research it funded was not conducted with proper oversight.

Walz has described himself as a “strong advocate for The Hormel Institute” and has visited the research center to discuss how it can receive more federal funding, according to the Examiner.

In addition to collaborating with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Hormel Institute has also done considerable work with the Beijing Genomics Institute, which the U.S. Defense Department has designated a “Chinese military company,” meaning that it is “directly or indirectly owned, controlled or beneficially owned by” the Chinese military or otherwise a “military-civil fusion contributor to the Chinese defense industrial base.”

Walz has come under fire from lawmakers and conservative critics for his stance on China. The vice presidential nominee has attended several events set up by members of a nonprofit connected to a Chinese Communist Party intelligence agency.

While working as a high school social studies teacher in 1991, Walz told his students that communism means “everyone is the same and everyone shares” while reflecting on life in Communist China.

In a letter to the head of the FBI in August, House Oversight Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., wrote: “It has come to the committee’s attention that Gov. Walz has longstanding connections to CCP-connected entities and officials that make him susceptible to the party’s strategy of elite capture, which seeks to co-opt influential figures in elite political, cultural and academic circles to influence the United States to the benefit of the communist regime and the detriment of Americans.”

Comer added in the letter to the FBI: “Reporting about Gov. Walz’s extensive engagement with CCP officials and entities while serving in public office raises questions about possible CCP influence in his decision-making as governor—and, should he be elected, as vice president.”

The Hormel Institute and the Harris campaign didn’t immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s requests for comment.

Tim Walz’s Connection With the Wuhan Institute of Virology…..


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