Home Cloud Seeding in Front of Tornados

    Cloud Seeding in Front of Tornados

    NGO's Are Presently Doing This

    Environmental modification (ENMOD) to control the weather is responsible for this An EF-1 tornado. EF-2 tornado rips through Temple, Texas homes destroyed and dozens injured Meanwhile these guys are flying on the leading edge of tornado watch in real time as they drop “Chemtrails”:

    Weather Mods llc The Weather Modification Association is a nonprofit corporation under the Utah Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act (the “Nonprofit Act”). “Their mission is Political “

    Silver iodide is a chemical that is used to seed clouds for weather modification. However, silver iodide is toxic and hazardous to humans, animals, and the environment. It can cause symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing, and it can also lead to reproductive disorders, developmental defects, and cancer. Silver iodide is not soluble and can pollute water and soil It can be absorbed through the lungs, nose, skin, and GI tract.

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