Home Banned Youtube Videos – Illegal Alien’s

Banned Youtube Videos – Illegal Alien’s

Like so many other Conservative "citizen News Reporters" in America Youtube took down our account because we show TRUTH.....Showing the American people what grade school children are subject to as a matter of law is deemed Pornigraphic.  They believe "This type of material can only be seen in the Childs classroom"
Like so many other Conservative “citizen News Reporters” in America Youtube took down our account because we show TRUTH…..Showing the American people what grade school children are subject to as a matter of law is deemed Pornigraphic.  They believe
“This type of material can only be seen in the Childs classroom”

President Donald J. Trump created the most secure border in U.S. history. He ended catch-and-release, took down human traffickers, deported record numbers of illegal alien gang members, and built 450 miles of powerful new wall. Joe Biden turned our country into one giant sanctuary for dangerous criminal aliens when he suspended all immigration enforcement in the middle of a global pandemic and reversed landmark agreements that safely returned asylum-seekers to Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.

These states are making it easier to go to work and to be FREE in America…
Senate Bill 1096 was introduced in the Florida Senate in February.