“There is no such thing as your truth, only the truth and your opinion?”

Fake News like CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC all, worldwide  are lying to you:

This is an example of how the media is trying to get you to believe in  “Their Truth” even the scientists are in on this….

Science Officially Debunks Chemtrails,

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Smithsonian Magazine
USA Today
Royal Aeronautical Society


Meanwhile in the real world, Companies are flying planes dropping poison on the unsuspecting people in Texas and around the world:

Watch this video and see for yourself. The skies are being poisoned and you will die if this continues….


Nearly 60 years ago, in May 1962, then US Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) gave the commencement address at his alma mater, Southwest Texas State University, now known as Texas State University. In the speech, LBJ talked about his international travels and professed that the United States must set the…Read More

UN Prohibits use of EMOD’s

The term “environmental modification techniques” or EMOD, refers to any technique for changing — through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes — the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space. In other words “Chemtrails” Convention on the Prohibition of…Read More

Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

1996! The US Navy discussed how to take over our weather by 2025, only a few short months away. In 2025, US aerospace forces can “own the weather” by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications. Read Article here….

Silver iodide seeding began from aircraft in 1991

This has continued from time to time depending on the availability of representative clouds through 1992 and 1993. Chapter Seven – Drought Hazard Mitigation and Risk These science articles and books go way back this is “There Truth”  they use when it benifits them… but if you look it up , what…Read More

Scientists in the US are flying planes into clouds

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just “make it rain” or just “make more snow?” Well, certain parts of the country are doing just that, sort of. It’s called cloud seeding, and it’s nothing new. It’s been around since the 1940s and countries all over the world have been…Read More

Cloud Seeding in Front of Tornados

Environmental modification (ENMOD) to control the weather is responsible for this An EF-1 tornado. EF-2 tornado rips through Temple, Texas homes destroyed and dozens injured Meanwhile these guys are flying on the leading edge of tornado watch in real time as they drop “Chemtrails”: Weather Mods llc The Weather Modification…Read More

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers silver iodide (AgI) to be a hazardous substance, priority pollutant, and toxic pollutant under the Clean Water Act  

So why are they doing this to the world?

People like Bill Gates Bill Gates is the largest funder of the Wuhan Institute have already told us why, “In the words of Bill Gates, at least 3 billion people need to die” he gets this from days in high school algebra class. This is his equation

This Evil Demonic Devil...believes Human emissions of greenhouse gases are the primary driver of climate change today. CO2  and he has a solution, At TED2010, Bill Gates unveils his vision for the world’s energy future, describing the need for “miracles” to avoid planetary catastrophe and explaining why he’s backing a dramatically different type of nuclear reactor. The necessary goal? Zero carbon emissions globally by 2050.     

First, we’ve got population. 

The world today has 6.8 billion people. 
That’s headed up to about nine billion. 
Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, 
health care, reproductive health services

we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.


What Are Chemtrails and Should You Be Scared 

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Global web icon


These pilots can change the weather

What’s in a cloud? Scientists do trial research in West Texas

Local news San Angelo

Cloud Seeding Makes Hot Comeback as a Solution to Drought

The Wall Street Journal

Injecting microscopic particles into clouds over South Texas to increase rainfall

News 4 San Antonio

Silver iodide seeding began from aircraft in 1991


Regardless of where you stand on “Chemtrails”, the vast majority of us can agree, the sky used to be blue:

Fast forward to 2024 and you will be hard-pressed to Google image search Blue Sky and find a photo without GeoEngineering of some form. This wasn’t the sky in 1979?:

As a child, my mother would always make us bring a long sleeve shirt, sunglasses and a hat to the beach because the sun was bright and hot and us kids wanted to climb up and run down those sand mountains for a full day. It was guaranteed that someone will be going to bed with a peeling nose and tender shoulders, and if it hurt too bad, mom always had a bag of frozen peas you could put on it. Ah, the marvelous 70’s.

I already know what deniers are going to say, “It’s because the air traffic has increased!”. That’s outright absurd. While the air traffic has increased, the following is also true:
  1. The military admits to GeoEngineering since, at least, the 1940s. Additionally, the military also has a lengthy history of running secret spray operations on it’s own citizens, as well as other countries.
  2. High Bypass Turbo Fan Engines are now in almost all jets / planes. These engines are incapable of spewing massive plumes, let alone plumes that linger for hours and slowly expand to take over the sky and block the sun.
  1. Because engines do not emit lingering plumes, “stunt pilots”, such as The Navy Blue Angels have to use additive to emit plumes for the show. If it was just condensation, or if “all planes leave trails like that”, there would be no reason for the Blue Angels to use additive:

  1. These spray patterns are illegal flight patterns, sprayed from illegally close planes. A normal pilot would lose their license if they pulled these “stunts”.

  2. The planes spraying are not on radar. According to Flight Tracker, only military can operate in “stealth mode”.
  1. There are numerous military whistleblowers, pilots, weathermen, FEMA employees, FBI, former United Nations employees and more, who state the military is spraying. I am working on a lengthy post showing all of the whistleblowers, but it is very time consuming. Additionally, spraying the skies is all part of the master plan.
  2. When Covid lockdown occurred and airline traffic dropped down to nothing, “the lines in the sky” didn’t decrease one bit. If the argument is that the lines are the increase in air traffic, this fact cannot be avoided:

BUT, you know when the lines DID stop? They stopped in March 2000, when the US Air Force grounded their KC tankers to fix defects. The repairs lasted approximately 1 week. Following that week, the lines and grids began appearing again.

    1. We have patents, heaps of government documents and contracts, chemtrail plane cost analysis, videos of retrofitted nozzles spraying, endless testimony, and more, but sometimes the most interesting tidbits are the tiny things that everyone overlooks…
  1. Here’s a great example of a small thing that speak volumes:

In 2009 and 2010 the government met to discuss spraying the skies.

Now keep in mind, the skies already had been being sprayed since the late 1990’s but the spraying has all been done under the military, and the ultimate goal is to make it public, so it can come out of the shadows and the Stratospheric Aerosol Injection patent holders, such as GeoEngineering advocate David Keith, can finally reap the financial rewards of their patents. So, during this government meeting, one very interesting statement was made. Doctor Alan Robock was asked about pros and cons of spraying the skies. Regarding the downsides, his response is telling:


GenSeven is investigating Make Sunsets, Inc

GenSeven is investigating Make Sunsets, Inc. (a relatively new start-up based out of Box Elder, South Dakota) and its application for a 200-year contract with the U.S. Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (“NOAA”) for experimental Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (“SAI”) programs throughout the U.S., and worldwide.

He stated, “Whitening of the sky will occur, which will result in “no more blue skies, but nice sunsets”which is exactly what we are seeing:

Why do you think the GeoEngineering company, who has been actively and openly releasing chemicals in the atmosphere to block the sun is called “MAKE SUNSETS”?

They’re called MAKE SUNSETS because it sounds a hell of a lot better than “BLOCK THE SUN”! Here’s their site as of May 25, 2024

YES! THEY APPROVED IT! Make Sunsets currently has a 200 YEAR contract on NOAA.gov to SPRAY THE GLOBE to Fight Climate Change


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